
Bellaria Igea Marina RIMINI

Mob.   +39 349 6621517

Viale Pinzon, 114 47814 Igea Marina (Rn)
Tel. +39 0541/331655  Cell. +39 349 6621517 


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Copyright ®  Hotel Deanna P.I. 00738630409

For many, but not for all

​One of the very few establishments in Romagna to have a private beach. 

The beach towel is already in your room and the beach is right there, in front of you.
Sunbeds, bathing huts, toilets and showers, nothing is missing, with lifeguards and a lifesaving service to guarantee your complete safety.


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Picnics by the sea...

Our small beach is always available throughout the day and if you want, you can stay on the sand to have lunch or dinner: with the practical "Lunch box", you can enjoy all the freedom you want.

And in the evening, a pleasant aperitif to end the day in relaxation, with the soft light of sunset.​

The beauty of the off-season

In the spring and autumn months, when the beach is not yet fully equipped, enjoying the first warmth and a clear horizon will be a pleasant feeling.

Reading a book, a walk in the open air, a bike ride to discover the area... everything runs more slowly.

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